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Thursday 26 May 2011

All in One Money Converter

All in One Easy Money converter

Saturday 14 May 2011

Create A Blog from Your Own Dashboard.

In Previous Step Your Dashboard Section We Saw what are all the things present in your Dashboard and What they do. In this Tutorial Im Gonna show you How to Create a Blog From your Very Own Dashboard.

1) Create a Blog:

 From your Manage Blogs Section, You can see "Create Your Blog Now" button. Whixh was indicated in above Picture. Click that Button to move to Next Step.

2) Mobile Verification:

Since We are using Blogger for First Time, It asks you to verify your Account using Mobile. Mobile verification can be done by using Two methods, 

              1) Text Message
              2) Voice Message

 Here I Chose Text Message Verification. So The below Image which shows the Text Message Verification method. Put your verification code in "Enter your Code" and then Verify it.

3) Name your Blog:

 In this Section you going to give a Blog Title and a Unique address or Url to your Blog. The Blog title can be of anything you decided to use. But it must be relevant to your Blog's Content. Here i used "Temp" for me... Because i just created this blog to show you how. Thats all.

When we come to Blog's address, The address must be unique.

Blog Address Avaiable

Blog Address Unavailable

4) Choose the Template:

 Choose a Template. At this Point choose any design. Because We can change it later or we can add Full Beautiful Template later.

Well thats all Your Blog is Created and Ready to Go...

Stepping into Step Four - Full Controls of your Blog.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Hooray I have my "Dashboard"!!!

After Completing Previous Step, Now you're in Dashboard. Here is the Preview of my Dashboard.

From the above Picture, You can notice that there are Three Different Sections in it.
  1. Mange Blogs Section - It displays all Blogs of yours. (Right Now nothing is there. Because you haven't created anything yet.)
  2. Reading List - It itself has Three Different Sections. We will see about it Below.
  3. Other Stuffs - In this section, you will see other services offered by Blogger and Third Party services which can use in your Blog.

1) Manage Blogs:

               In This section, All blogs of yours all listed in here. This instance you don't have anything. Instead you have "Create your Blog Now" button (we will see about it later).

2) Reading List:

   From the above Picture, you can notice that Three Tabs are there. They are,

2.1) Blogs I'm Following:

             Here the Blogs you follow (i.e. Blogs you subscribed using Google Reader) are shown in here. You can see their updates in this section. Their Site name is listed uder the "All Blogs Update". and their Updates are shown in Right side of it.

2.2) Blogger Buzz:

           This tab lists all's official updates.

2.3) Blogs of Note:

                In this tab, lists the blogs which are favorite by them at a time of instance. This list is regularly updated.

3) Other Stuffs:

             In this section, Tools and Resources like AdSense, Google Reader, Webmasters and so on., are listed. And Help topics which are related to Blogger including Video Tutorials are listed here.

Stepping into Step Three - Create a Blog From your Blogger Dashboard

Getting Kick Start with Most Peoples Favorite Blog Site "Blogger"

Okay Before we going into the topic "How to create a Blog with Blogger". Lets see What is a Blogger?

What is a Blogger?

According to Wikipedia: Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows private or multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was created by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. Generally, the blogs are hosted by Google at a subdomain of Up until May 1, 2010 Blogger allowed users to publish blogs on other hosts, via FTP. All such blogs had (or still have) to be moved to Google's own servers, with domains other than allowed via Custom URLs.

Now we Go back to the topic: How to Create a Blog with Blogger?

          Well this is the Home Page of Blogger. To use Blogger, you must have an Google Account. If you Don't have an Google Account Sign Up for an New Account Here. Or If you already using a Gmail, Google Groups, Google Docs or Google Sites. Then You don't need to Sign Up for a new Account, You already have it.

         So Give your Full Address like "" in Email Field and in the Password Field, give your password as in G Mail. If you successfully did this. Then you're prompt to the following page.

 From the above Picture, you can notice that there are 5 different fields.

  1. Email address - Email address of yours, When you used in Sign In process (Previous Step) is shown in here.
  2. Your name - Your name which is retrieved from your Email Account is shown in here.
  3. Display name - This name is displayed in all of your blog posts. I Prefer Choose your Full name which is identified by your Friends and Relations.
  4. Email Notification - "Check" this option, If you want some tips and features from Blogger.
  5. Gender - Your Gender

After finished with these options click "Continue" to continue next step.

Stepping into Step Two - Dashboard

What is a Blog in Real World?

                 A Blog is a Website or a Mini Website which is usually maintained by Individual or a Group of Peoples to share their Interest or thoughts with their Friends or with Relations.

               The Blog is a term which refers to "Web Log". The contents Posted in Blog are displayed in Reverse ChronologicalThe Reverse Chronological Order means the Posts where shown in Reverse order. That is, First Post yours was in the Last and Vice Versa. order.

               The typical Blogs which contains Text, Links, Images, Videos and Music. The another type of Blogging is called "Micro Blogging" which contains very Short post.

Types of Blogs: 

  1. Personal Blogs,
  2. Corporate and Organizational Blogs,
  3. By Genre and Media Type.

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